Sunday, December 11, 2011

We know you have missed us :(

throw back pic of us

Hellow everyone! We have been MIA for quite sometime now and we apologize. I (Abby J) am here to give you an update on our lives. We have been going to coffee shops still and we found a new one that is called Lorry's Coffee. It is on Lincoln Way where Planet Sub used to be. It is fantabulous! The service there is AH-mazing and the coffee is so delicious! I recommend it to all.

It is Sunday night before finals week so we are pretty busy. Well at least Abby O is. I however only have a few things to do and 1 real final. So this week will be full of studying for the one final for me. Currently we are both sitting in my dining room studying or blogging for me :p

Break is almost here and it is going to be marvelous! Except for the fact that we will be separated for awhile :( we know... it makes us sad too. Abby O is going home to her fam and I am going to mine buuuuuut.... we will be together after Christmas for some awesomeness and we are working on our plans for New Years Eve. Clearly it will be epic.

Sorry to all of you that this is a less than exciting post but look forward to one later on this week filled with our craziness. We have plans for Wednesday so I'm sure something funny will come up. We are going to spend the day baking! We will give you the low down on the goods we make.

We love you !